the comments are good- especially for butch femme dancer "special" high plains Administrator webmistress bully.
Blow the whistle on internet bullies - especially if they are hiding behind the title of Administrator or Moderator !
I agree with this post. does NOT just ban someone without warning first. I found the administrator at BFD to bring her personal life to her site as well as showing blatant favoritism. All members are NOT treated equally and she seems to care more about quanity of members than quality of members. Some people can say almost anything without warnings or with multiple warnings. others get no warnings at all. What a waste of space and money.
ButchFemmeDance is a pit of childish, immature, ridiculousness.
The site owner is rude, disrespectful, and not mentally equipped to run a site for adults. Her "rules" are wrought with misspellings, doublespeak, and outright ridiculous idiocy.
She is blatantly totalitarian. "Her way or the highway". She encourages a gang-like cliquishness and shows absolute favoritism to her friends. It's actually pretty sad and disgusting.
I know of at LEAST 10 people who have signed up on her site and were banned without ever having posted or sent a message of any kind. She banned them merely because she didn't like who they were from
Seriously, what kind of person is so threatened by other people that she bans them before they even open their mouth?
Her site will fail. She will go by the way of the many people before her who have tried to ride the coattails of She is not smart enough to handle the many personalities and conflicts that will arise and soon enough, people will get tired of giving their hard earned money to this fool.
I personally can't wait to see it fail and watch her come slithering back to where she can again contaminate the threads with her tomfoolery. BAH!
I was banned and never even posted on the skanky bitches site.
Her site is FULL of LOSERS who have been banned off of
I will enjoy watching her fall.
Terrie is a fake ass piece of shit.
Not surprised the ugly bitch is single either.
i thought terrie was ok on bf, but then again, i really did not know her very well.
my playfulness with a certain someone really must have upset her, as well as the excellent company that i keep.
critical thinking, decent communication, and integrity frightens the pod people!
To be quite honest with you I didn't waste my time reading this whole thing, as I saw immediately that it was crap, and in my opinion it looks like the same writing style... which tells me it's the same person writing under anonymous. I'm only anonymous because I dare not waste my time creating an account to respond to one idiot. This is Dallas... you know me really well Belle, as I know you. And we both know that what you have posted here is lies and nothing more than venom being spewed from a place of hurt and anger. You know as well as anyone that there are warnings one must get in order to finally reach banned status. You did that yourself. No one made you post the baiting crap that you posted, no one made you take pop shots at another member. The truth is that you just can't stand justice... you can't stand that the owner of BFD is fair. You want to be treated as special but it will never happen because of your behavior. You can't blame anyone but yourself for that. There is only one TOU violation that will get you banned with no other warnings in place and it's #25. Go read it. As far as any member that has been banned, give me a list of names and I'll be more than happy to check into the situation to see why they were banned for. And I can promise you now that there won't be any that have been banned for no reason. I'll also tell you that you know nothing of the owners personal life. If you do... spill it, cause I do know the owner personally and have never seen her post anything of her personal life anywhere on the site.
As far as favoritism goes... you are dead wrong. I really do wish at times that you were right, because there are a lot of people that I'd love to rip apart because of their ignorance and childish behavior... but because she doesn't play the favoritism game I know that I'll get my fair share of warnings and probably get banned. So I keep my mouth shut. Which is what anyone with half a brain would do.
And I'll have you know that the owner of BFD gives much more respect to idiots like yourself than what you deserve. So if you want to talk about disrespect, look in the mirror and you will find it. To me it is disrespectful to a site owner for some idiot to come in and bait another member and flame that member to others just to get a little revenge. So you want to talk about childish, immature and ridiculous behavior? Again look in the mirror and you will see it.
Let's get real honest here Belle, would you allow someone like yourself to remain on the site after watching your own behavior for a few days? I'd think not.
Like I said, get me the list of these so called 10 members who have signed up and were banned without ever have posted or sent a message of any kind... unless they don't exist other than in your mind. But just in case you can come up with one or two... send em to me. And yes you do know how to reach me.
This is Dallas again... just wanted to let you know that I did some digging... and there has only been 2 people who have ever been banned for TOU #22 AND #25... so Belle, wanna tell everyone who the anonymous poster is or do you want me to do it?
oh yes!
what are the *idiotic pop-shots*
that i made, please?
where are they?
i did, however, notice you and mistress bully writing about me on your visitor pages! and your *digging up* some of my posts to incite other members? [remember hitler?]. i even gave you the benefit of the doubt, until other people contacted me that you were starting trouble [again!]
take care, dallas.
i welcome your comments!
hi dallas-
you certainly have your rights to make assumptions, and i may not be in accordance with them- but the posts you left shall remain. i will not delete them. thank you for taking time to write!
i really feel as if i do not know you- i know *of* you. there is a distinction. i'm not sure who i *baited*, and where exactly that was located? there were/are no thread warnings.
i'm pretty obvious whenever i do something, and that's the reason for this blog to begin with- there was nothing to be found where i, or several others were banished. [like i'm really going to give out names for *you* to *look up*]. it's about more than the banishing, dallas. people are seeing through exactly what i mean. if they want to be anonymous here- that's their choice. you were!
i appreciate your visiting/reading/posting, and the telling comments you left. also, for all of your time spent busy *digging around*, dallas!
according to your comments, let's say that if i had been *baiting* anyone, and there's such an intelligent TOS, or TOU in place, why were the codes 22, and 25 for my banishing ?
makes no sense.
Dallas.. I TOO was given and UNWARRANTED time out, and when I tried to log in AFTER my "time out", I received a notice that I was banned for life. The notice stated: Banned reason: None given.
Ban Lift Date:
There are FAR too many people who have experiences Terrie's jealousy of others and indiscriminate bannings for your post to have ANY validity! As her friend, I am sure you feel bound to take her part. As a former member of her forums, I KNOW for SURE she runs a VERY unfair site and I have taken measures to turn her and her site in to the State Atty General for the money she takes, and does NOT return after bannings.
One final note. When I signed up there were NO TOU. After she initiated a TOU, it was changed THREE times. I have ALL three copies. That is why the Atty General in Colorado agreed to look at it. I am only bound by TOU that were INTACT at the time I signed on and I have SOLID proof there were NONE.
Calling people an IDIOT is NO way to win anyone over to your way of thinking either. RUDE!
p.s. I'll give you a few names of people banned who NEVER posted, and I assure you that I KNOW the posters here are MORE than just Belle. I could name each one, but I don't want to invade THEIR Privacy!!
One person was banned for a post on LIVE JOURNAL!! Fact. How fair is that?
Dallas, you are fighting a losing battle in taking Terrie's part. She has shown over and over her childish behavior, and she NEVER answers e-mails sent to her asking for explanations of bannings.
I purchased NO LESS than 7 memberships to her site for others. She has ZERO loyalty to paying members. She DOES ban with NO warning and NO reason.
Definitely NOT Belle
Dallas had to have some help ;)Both of their brains together seems about right for that CRAP.
the reason for this blog is not because i would have any issues with being on a "time out", or a ban of any sort if i deserved it. it makes sense to me if i violate a TOS/TOU, that i cannot visit the site. i've been on b-f since 2002, so i obviously understand playing by the rules, dallas and company.
this space is for justice and other people who have been bullied by the administrator of that site. not revenge- no. i find it interesting that whenever people who have been treated poorly finally do write or speak out, the bullies fear the light being turned on them most of all.
Look how much DL says, hy "knows". "You know and I know." How many things does Dallas really "know"?
All I ever seen was hir stir the pot. Hy had a big drama on BF with several folks. I think it fits in at Terrie's toilet!
Was Dallas baiting you,Belle?
i don't know if he was baiting me or not. the part about me wanting to be special really was odd! terrie and her b/f have "special" in their profiles. so what does that say about them [even if they placed it there as a joke on their perception of "how belle wants to be treated?].
terrie had to invent some other reasons to ban me instead of the truth. everything was fine until resqx. dig around dallas, and look. i had no problems whatsoever on there, and have been quite able to follow a tos on sinc 2002.
now, dallas comes here adding that i took "pop shots?" i guess for some people adding layers to the plate makes them appear more honest? there was one thing i did, and that was sending a pm to the administration asking to discuss something. from there, all hell broke out. want to read terrie's pms dallas? they are saved to text right from the pm box.
awHELLNO. Dallas talks out hir ass The peace train shyte talk ain't nuthin' but a FU FRONT and that OLD crazyMF proved true colors that I awHELLYES saw through in 2006 til TODAY.Loser.HeeHEE!HY tRaSh people just not to they face.DETY,Dallas,Terrie,they ALL like that.Do the same behind the ScEnEs.And know what?They GROWN!MoveOnOverOldFartDramaQueensFromHellYesYouIsUggglllyyy!
"People with guts make a lot of enemies"
I found these while "digging around" on BFD:
Let's use this Space for what is dear to us rather than taking "cheap shots" at other members.
THINK About What Your THINKING About
Never miss an opportunity to make others happy, even if you have to leave them alone in order to do it. ~Author Unknown
dallas you're a fucking idiot.
DallasLesbian is so far up Terrie's greasy ass, I swear there must be a Crisco factory there.
Terri has been busted in so many outright LIES about banning people that it isn't even funny.
She BANNED 909Perversions because Terrie is so JEALOUS that her little boyfriend, RESQX, might have flirted with her. It is sick that Terrie is a grown woman and is this insecure.
Terrie is trying to sell ButchFemmeDance right now because she probably doesn't want to pay taxes on the $7000 - $15000 that she has made from the site (by her own estimates).
I hope she files taxes on all that money because the IRS doesn't like cheaters.
hey 7:11pm anonymous, i like your style.
terrie and resqx are a match made in paranoia heaven.
but the reality is that i have farts that are far more interesting than pathetic fools that comes from that site.
This may be Libelous (If it is not true):
"Mike's business steals from their customers"
This may NOT be Libelous:
"I believe that Mike's business steals from their customers"
Has Webmistress refunded any of us? NO!
Has she Harassed, stalked, & bullied some of us? YES!
She truly wants control.Look at MyQPrss plus Matchmaking site AND TheDance!She forgot Crooked!
I have observed keenly from the sidelines for a very long time and I have come to a place where I have a need to be heard as I have much to voice. For as long as I have been on (and similar web sites), I have experienced the unjustness, indistinctness, and unfairness that these web sites create, nurture, and support. There are very few places for the victims of said web sites to go to vent about their experience, to voice the truth. This is a place for the true victims and they deserve to post and to be heard instead of further victimizing – without repercussions! The TOS rules are manipulated by the moderators and/or web mistress in an indiscriminating fashion. These web sites are designed and managed to protect the people that are victimizing/bullying and to further push down those that have been clearly victimized.
In my experiences, Terri is, by far, the most unfair, unprofessional, and biased person as a web mistress. She clearly abuses her position by making decisions based on her emotional and personal needs. She changes the rules frequent, decides different punishments for the same infraction and is dependent on whom the person is and how she feels about them at that given moment. She has created more issues on her web site due to her biased sense of management. Daily, she involves her personal feelings and allows said feelings to make unsound, biased, and hasty decisions that are founded on little or no supportive evidence.
Dear Dallas,
Here are just a few things that you stated in your blog to Belle:
1.) Called her an idiot
2.) Said she was childish, immature, and ridiculous
3.) Accused her of posting lies that stemmed from hurt and anger
4.) Stated that she was looking for revenge
5.) Suggested that if she had half a brain she would keep her mouth shut
6.) Accused her of baiting others
7.) Lastly, she cannot stand justice
In your unkind, name-calling, scathing letter to belle, you also made reference to “knowing Belle really well and Belle really knowing you.” How is that, Dallas? Is it because you called her frequently? That is because you did! You claimed to be her friend, to think so highly of her. You even told her that she was a real, genuine, sweet person, unlike some of the other people that you met on You would tell her over that phone that you did not trust The Dety. When she (The Dety) came out to visit, you did not want her around your kids at all and you said that she would never be allowed to be around your kids. One minute you act as if Belle is your best friend, calling her frequently and singing her praises, all the while trashing The Dety, among others. Now, you are best friends with The Dety, defending her and her friends and you choose to spend your time trashing Belle. You do not have a loyal bone in your body because you have absolutely no sense of self. You are very two-faced, as is evidence by your insipid behavior. In other words, you hop from one side of the fence to the other. You are incapable of recognizing a genuine person, as you have zero instincts for such insight. You are a drama addict that attracts other drama addicts. I have seen many of your posts over the last three years and they are drama-filled, anger-fuelled, childish, and baiting in nature. You love being the center of the drama, creating it, then stepping back to view the ensuing damage while you look like the good person in all of the fallout of your doing…you are a fraud, Dallas! Just remember this, when you are pointing the finger at someone, look to see how many fingers are pointing back at you.
You made reference to Belle baiting a member…you accused her of doing so for revenge…where is your evidence? The evidence of her baiting and also evidence of her doing so for revenge. Where is it, Dallas? You spent so much time accusing Belle of all of these wrongdoings, but you spent zero energy on sharing evidence to support such claims. I have copies of the posts on where you baited Belle by attaching her post(s) to a comment made about Hitler! Then you did your customary sitting back and enjoying the fallout again. You incite drama and you are the master baiter! You spend so much time pitting people against one another and you have the nerve to stand back looking completely innocent! You hop from side to side, person to person, situation to situation depending on what is in it for you. You spend so much time trashing others yet you have the gall to accuse others of doing the very same thing. You are a pathetic hypocrite!
Your reference to her not being able to stand justice is shocking. Again, Dallas, where is the evidence to back this on up. If you really knew Belle, as you claim you do, you would surely know just how very important justice is in Belle’s life. Belle’s life accomplishments revolve around justice for others and fighting for what is right. Like I said, if you knew her as well as you boasted, you would know this about her therefore you would not have made such an unfounded accusation. Similarly, the same can be said for your comment about her wanting to be treated special. She abhors being treated special, equal rights for one and all, justice for one and all. She just wanted to be treated fairly and it is as simple as that. Everyone has a right to be treated fairly and that what was Belle was striving for daily. She has a keen sense of self and knows her rights and the rights of others. She PM’d Teri and simply wanted to know if she could ask a question for clarification purposes and received a scathing letter that involved name-calling, unfounded accusations, threats, and being banned even thought the web site still shows her as a basic member. In addition, she was denied the chance to ask her question. Moreover, Terri looks good because Belle still shows as a “basic member” even though she cannot access the web site! Terri is calculating and manipulative in the way she makes her money and it makes me ill to watch her do this to innocent, undeserving people. Belle is, by far, not the only person that Terri has done this to as others have come forward. There are countless others and nary a one shares Belle’s name, writing style, or geographical location. I must say, I can certainly see why you and Terri are such good friends. Terri is in for a big surprise with you because one minute you are singing her praises, the next minute you will be trashing her behind her back – just like you did to Belle. Belle is far too respectful, exceedingly fair, humble, and healthy because she takes the emotion out of a situation coupled with her innate integrity to treat a friend like you have treated her. Enough said. Comment away; take pot shots at me because you told me once that you thought I was a “good guy.” Now, commence with the backstabbing and two-faced behavior that you embody so well as your core values. You picked the wrong people to trash, Dallas. To quote you, “If you had half a brain you would keep your mouth shut.”
Kaiden (not anonymous and not Belle)
TheDety IS at the center of this drama. GOSSIP is her name! But Dety can't twist their arms.Dallas and Terrie CHOOSE to include SPORK in their circle.Dety has been OBSESSED with 909P for over 3 years.She was BANNED for what she did to 909P then took an opportunity to create LIES about 909P. I was Dety's friend until she pressured me everDAY to join a smear campaign against 909P.Made me SICK!I watched everything,and Dety couldnt handle the words Not Interested.Dallas got sucked in to lies of hir "Buddy" Dety.Dallas and Terrie are friends. Dety came back to Butch-Femme-Dance,(after being BANNEDby TerrieWho do you think Invited Dety?TERRIE!)Resq was her reason Dety was her means.
Dety is a denture-wearing fool who lives at home with mommy and daddy.
When I signed up brand new on about a year ago, all I heard was 909 this and 909 that! So I finally wrote to 909! She suggested that I either ignore TheDety, or write to the Administration if I felt like it, as the issue was long standing with TheDety. Hy tried mass recruiting people against her. TheDety is paranoid. Hy told me not to tell 909 hy was on the other site, when TheDety used the same name there. Weird.
It must piss her off ROYALLY that she can't BAN peoples BLOGS! I do think Terrie has very serious control issues & couldn't imagine anyone would DARE contradict her after she was mean to them. Or talk about the way she Banned them!
Dallas makes me want to puke! She writes about "Liars in denial" and her own "integrity" on BFDs RedFlag thread.Does anyone remember that crazy shit with "Amanda" on B-F. It was about Dallas having a chair called AMANDA! Amanda would be pervy, or sexual with her (Dallas) and type stuff in the Retreat (thread).Something disturbing.
That's ok, Terrie probably has a magic plunger named "Nick" that she humps when she is feeling particularly frisky.
I hope Dallas is reading now. Terrie too, but she already knows how unkind she was to the very people who supported her!
Terrie feels "sorry for those who allow obsession to consume their lives" Oh? That's funny,Terrie. You are still OBSESSED with the people you BANNED from BUTCHFEMMEDANCE!
I wish Terrie would become obsessed with some fucking shampoo and soap.
Or Manners
Here is unsavory Dallas can't write anything except about those damn kids that are hys ex's. I swear hy uses them as a crutch to make hymfakeself look decent.
any apologies or refunds yet ?
maybe we could all contact the attorney general and BBB at once ?
Terrie is trying to run other sites too. Queer Press is a hoot! Who wants to write blogs for her website when she's so unprofessional and rude?
Well, if Dallas is reading this, good. I'm "Theoddz", and my friends call me Theo. That is my legal name, so no hiding here behind "Anonymous". I don't know Dallas, or TheDety or anyone else, personally, who has been mentioned in any of the preceding posts, so no one can accuse me of any drama. I'm not here to spread stories, or any "he said/she said" gossip. I am only posting this to tell my own story.
I was a Premium member on BFD for about 3 months, maybe, until I was banned by Terrie...and not for any violation of a TOU. I joined that site and became a premium paid member in the summer months of 2008. I can't remember the exact date I joined. The reason I joined the top level of membership is because I believe in supporting our community and I also believe that there is room for more than one B-F site on the net. There aren't many people on either site who actually know me very well because I keep to myself and don't get involved in a lot of the drama that goes on. Also, I am FtM and, in many ways, try to conduct myself as a bit of a "guest", especially since I have transitioned and do not consider myself as part of "mainstream" B-F culture, other than my history.
I am the former (now banned) member of BFD who was banned for a post I made on a friend's LiveJournal. The post that I made was simply one that expressed dissatisfaction with what I was told was Terrie's desire to hire non-queer moderators to moderate BFD. As a transman with a Butch roots, I found that idea to be offensive and I posted such. Well, either Terrie or one of her "toadies" (because a bully always comes with toadies)found the post, which was open and not filtered. Terrie had the audacity to PM me on BFD and chastise me for this. I replied to her PM and told her that I felt entitled to my own opinion and that I didn't think she had a right to try to censure the expression of that opinion on other sites which did not belong to her. She had a problem with that, which was something I couldn't understand and thought very unfair. So, I told her that I would be happy to leave her site and clear my profile, and she actually encouraged me to do so. Of course, later on, I discovered that she also seems to have a problem with those she perceives to be members of the so-called "Zombie" gang from B-F. I guess she thinks that I am one of these people, and I suppose I am, because I post in that thread and do have friends there whom I have met in real time and cherish. Anyway, when I got home from work that night, I did clear out my profile and Terrie banned me that night.
Oh, and yes, I had, at one time (before I actually joined the site) another ID there, but when Terrie posted her little warning about her intention to ban those who had more than one user ID if they didn't come forward and admit it. I PM'd her, as did my girlfriend, Tabitha, who also, at one time had another ID...BEFORE she joined the site under her registered ID. At the time, Terrie thanked us both for coming forward, by PM, and asked that we never attempted login with those IDs, which neither of us ever did again, btw.
Terrie banned me, using the EXCUSE that I had multiple accounts, AFTER she thanked me for coming forward, saying there was "no more problem" and nothing would be held against me, as long as I never tried to use the other ID again, which I did not. What she really banned me for was the LJ post about the non-queer moderator business, and a subsequent post in that same LJ thread where I told her, or whoever the toadie was, to "have a seat on my middle finger and spin", if they wanted to censure my right to free speech on a site not affiliated with BFD.
I've never been fruited or had any problems whatsoever on any web site, including B-F. I have never been anything other than respectful and have tried to treat everyone with respect and kindness. I have little patience for rudeness, drama and piggish behavior, however, and I will grab my balls and bow up to a bully. That's why I'm posting this here. Dallas, I don't know why you are going on the attack with these people. I'm not particularly interested in the drama or the particulars of your problems with some of these other people, but yes, there are people who have NEVER violated a set of fair and straightforward TOS/TOUs and have been outright banned from your friend Terrie's site. There are more than a few more who have had similar and worse experiences with Terrie and her site, but I'm not going to violate their privacy by mentioning particular names here. I am only telling you MY story because you should know that you don't know everything about everyone's circumstance or experience with Terrie on that site. People are angry, and understandably so, and when that happens, it is not an unexpected thing when a business or monetarily driven enterprise goes belly up. Word of mouth is a very powerful thing.
Peace out.
theo's situation explained very well the bully i experienced- and her repertoire of [unseen by most members, or ignored/enabled by her friends], "tactics".
sometimes it takes a long while, but eventually people find out what goes on behind the scenes. i will include dallas and thedety as well because they too, like terrie, have bullied me personally.
apparently, by the looks of comments here, i do not stand alone in my unsvoury experiences with these individuals.
how can they sleep at night?
Belle, this is Theo again. I think these folks bully others because they are insecure. Insecurity is always at the root of these problems. Everyone wants to be liked and accepted. Sometimes, I think, when this basic human need is not met by polite means, the person takes it one step further and it goes into negative attention-getting behavior, such as bullying or trying to intimidate others.
To you all who are reading this and might suspect or think that you are one of these folks who are guilty of bullying or mistreating others: Take a step back and look at your behavior towards other people. Is that really how you want others to see you?? Is that the kind of person you are, or you aspire to be??
It's a good and noble thing to practice a little kindness, because we are all in this world and community together and everyone is coping with their own problems, whatever they may be. Why contribute to or cause misery in another person's life because you are miserable, yourself?? Life's too short, yanno??
Sometimes it's just better to take the higher, more noble road and just not say anything. Others will admire you for it, really.
That's all I want to say.
*** NOTE to readers: I do believe I am the FIRST to "Earn a fully justified BAN" in Terrie's toilet. I have been exorcised from BFD *snicker* BTW..This along with some other material was posted early this morning but was removed before a large number of people could see it! However a few did see it. There must be someone posted 24-7 to stand guard against evil people like me who are not afraid to speak their mind. How paranoid is that?
I want to start by saying that I am not the type of person to put my private business in public nor am I the type of person to be unkind, ungrateful or discourteous to others.
I am a Southern Woman who was raised to conduct myself in a way that would not bring shame to my family. Now that I have made this clear, I have something I would like to say to YOU and those who do not have a spine and/or are too bullied by YOU and your evil minions to not jump when you whistles.
Terrie, I have said on more than one occasion, "Thank you for this website". When my son left for Iraq I found several people on here who were so very kind to me and offered words of encouragement and prayers to me for his safe return. To those wonderful people I want to say thank you once again for your kindness.
Terrie I posted a picture of my boyfriend, Theo ("theoddz"), and you promptly jumped on me that very same morning and accused me of having an alternate ID, "Flame Fighter". (Flame Fighter, I am so sorry that Terrie is childish and drug you into her "tantrum filled rage"). I was, to say the least, shocked at this because it was so ludicrous. You are supposed to have this "high tech" system, so YOU, as the webmistress, should see that both IP addresses DID NOT MATCH, not to mention we were on at the same time. Did you honestly think that your members would buy your unfounded wild accusations that I was using another ID and that Flame Fighter and myself were one and the same? And why were you so outraged that I posted my boyfriend's picture in my gallery? Is it because you have a problem with HIM and you were trying to take it out on ME? Were you trying to ban ME because of who I am coupled with? I find it to be completely appalling that you would have the audacity to try to yank/BAN my PAID membership, causing me to lose my (non refundable) membership dues, simply because you didn't like my partner, who isn't even on this site anymore? If so, then you really have some serious mental issues, not to mention a sizeable deficit in your ability to manage a "people" business.
I don't understand how you can put out your TOS, then go and break them yourself by "stalking" members' Live Journals, Myspace pages or Facebook accounts. When you see comments that you don't agree with or anger you, you then come back to YOUR site and throw a "temper tantrum" and ban these people. Terrie, I don't know if you sit and wonder why it is that so many people in the online BF/ world are having major issues with your policies and the way you run your website. These folks are not trying to dictate to you how you should run your site. They only want and expect fair treatment, and banning them and stealing their membership dues for what they say on other sites is NOT fair treatment. Of course, you own this site and you are free to do with it what you will, but these same "customers" of yours whom you , ultimately, depend on for your revenues are majorly dissatisfied with your "product". If you want your "business venture/community" here to survive, or even thrive, you are going to have to provide a higher level of customer satisfaction than you are now. Your policies here stink and are grossly unfair. Your "moderation" is arbitrary, uneven, capricious, whimsical and best. When you ask a group of folks to abide by a set of Terms of Service (TOS), good business practice would deem that you not only enforce these, but apply them evenly and justly to ALL users and not just those who are kissing your ass/on your shit list at the moment.
Let me remind you. You banned Theo because he posted a comment on a friend's LiveJournal that you didn't like, then he basically told you and/or your "henchmen/toadies" to "sit and spin" on his middle finger when you tried to censure/silence him for it. You know, one of the things I so love about my guy is that he doesn't take shit from bullies like you. If he's wrong about something, he will own it and apologize. If not, you can expect a fight from him, and he will win.
As part of my closing comments to YOU, Terrie, well, you remind me of a child in the playground that no one would play with and now that you are holding the marbles, you want to pick and choose who can play in your sand box. All this does is just show us that you lack the social skills necessary and are unable to deal with a multitude of "people" issues on a website that hosts a community of diverse personalities.
Terrie this is just about all I have to say on this subject with you. You can ban me but you can't silence me. I don't fear you and you do not intimidate me, I'm a Texas woman and from where I come from, we kick off our shoes, take care of business and we stand by our men. Your relationship status is a revolving door... pity.
Best of luck to you and your sinking ship. Incidentally, have you gotten a buyer yet? I hear you're asking $30k?
"T" has no business being a "webmistress" for many reasons. Her conduct surely shows this. I also feel that site has outrageous hypocrisy. The favoritism is absurd, blatant and gross.
Anyone remember how someone was banned for 6 months, then the site crashed the same day and poof! that person was NEVER banned, or was UNbanned? WTF is up with that? Then they ban others for essentially no reason? Also, they routinely warn people without fully researching stuff and they make accusations publically.
They ban some people, yet leave others on site. They take some complaints seriously and instantly "warn" people, yet others are let alone to post very offensive posts unchecked.
PUKE CITY. Click city. And they have doubled all the prices! What a joke. She leaves even the banned members up so she has better stats, I guess to help her get advertisers and maybe for selling the site purposes, if she hasn't sold it already. She should sell it to someone who is a better site moderator, but I doubt it will ever moderate fairly, turn a decent profit, or ever break even.
I think it is unethical to take people's money, then ban them. They should at least refund their money.
The whole site is run so badly. It is sad. Sad.
Its also bullsh*t that they can "tell" you have multiple accounts. How about if you use a community PC or use a library PC, etc., etc.? How is that fair? Oh yeah, they dont give a rats about being fair.
hallo to you all-
i do remember the craziness there, anonymous
8:51 P.M. when terrie bullied me and my friends, it felt awful. little by litte, when people reached out, and some of us began to share stories via e-mail or phone conversations, the situation became less of a "stuck" feeling. no longer trapped by her, silenced on that site- dealing with a bully ! of course, terrie might not have been able to see that she did me a huge favour by lying, because the proof is in her power outage thread and PMS to me. in other words, even if she was not fond of me, a paying member to her site, there was no excuse to play games, ridicule, harrass, bully, silence, stalk, & steal my money, [and yours too] !!
i'm sorry this happened to any of you, but it is my hope that writing our experiences does help some. it did for me, because i had to process it somehow. right is right, and wrong is wrong.
much much of the muchness love to you all xo
theo and tabitha -
i appreciate you both for contributions!
[[[ theo & tabitha ]]]
TheDety got 6 Months?Nice. Terry gives her a warning first then two weeks and six months? Did you get any of that Belle. Terry just banned you didnt she without any warning, without two weeks and without six months. Terry didn't let you ask your question because TheDety was part of her plan to get rid of you,Belle. Can you connect the dots?>>>Terry created worse a monster with TheDety.LOL.She has to cut TheDety loose slowly so she doesn't look like more of a bully. I think she ought to be ashamed of the ways she treats people.
Terrie cares about money. Period.
I searched google for Terrie ButchFemmeDance and Dirts Journals came with this one!!! Some of the writing in here is visible. GREAT!!! Terrie you are just disgustingly GROSSSS!!!
More rip-offs coming! Is Expanding
Into Virtual Reality!
We are creating a sister community
in The Virtual World "Second Life".
The official announcement and location "in world"
will be posted very soon.
Feel free to PM Terrie if you would like more info
prior to the grand opening.
Funny how she closed an SL thread down and then this.
Dallas and her are charging for items that you can get free or nearly free.I hope these poor noobs realize there are other BF resources in SL. You just have to search for them.
Once again, riding on the coattails of others.
NOOB (((((I wasn't sure!!!!)))))
The Definition
Many online gamers will tell you that a noob is someone who is new to gaming - this is incorrect. The correct term to use for referring to people who are new to gaming is 'newbie'. So what is the word noob used for then? Doesn't it have the same meaning as newbie? No, it doesn't...
A noob is someone who doesn't necessarily have to be new to gaming (although they frequently are) and plays in a most annoying, disruptive, stupid and/or unreasonable manner. In essence the word noob is a derogatory term used in reference to obnoxious gamers - people you'd rather not play with due to excessive spamming, usage of "1337-speak", purposeful team killing, etc.
Defining Features
I've played many games over the years and encountered my fair share of noobs along the way. Utilizing this experience I've compiled a list of defining features that describe a noob. Most noobs will only exhibit a few of these, some players who aren't noobs might exhibit a few of these, but in general this list aught to help you recognize a noob more easily.
Asks the most basic of questions, such as quest locations which are very obviously mentioned in the description or how to purchase new weaponry.
Argues that his game is better than another game because it has more players - and thinks it's a valid argument.
Calls the best players in the server noobs or cheaters.
Cannot participate in any form of debate, without resorting to abusive language for arguments.
(((((THIS IS TERRY,DALLAS,DETY!!!!!!!!!)))))))
((((I never knew what NOOB was))))
well then :)
It's the newbies I'm worried about. There is a steep learning curve and I hate to see folks get ripped off and hurt their experience.
This is fuglyTERRIE666
Hooked on phonics? Thats blatantly
$300 For Adults
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