some measures to take:
Contact the Attorney General and Better Business Bureau in the state her business is registered . Complain to Host Serving her Domain = WHOIS .
I know. That Place is sad. Bullies are running her site. She doesnt care.
Why do They Ban all the GOOD people. I noticed that and thought It was very strange, so I followed Belle's and Lisa's posts, but could not find any reasons at all. Other people get like a hundred warnings and that is unfair.
Average Registered User Rating: 1.00 (out of 5)
Number of review: 2 Reviews
Review by carol (date: 23-Nov-2008)
Subject: Terrible Site And Bully Cliques Encouraged!
Comment: This Website Has Created A Lot Of Negative Responses From People I Know Who Are Registered There. I Tried It For A Few Weeks Recently, And Then Decided To Leave! The Main Posters Are Awful!
Review by sabrina (date: 23-Nov-2008)
Subject: UGLY
Comment: Butch Femme Dance is a scary place to join. The owner WILL ban you with no notification and no cause. She has banned SEVERAL well loved members, for things they said OFF site, including Live Journal. It is not well run, and even if you pay for a membership one day, she will happily ban you with no refund, the next. It is by far the most poorly run site I participated in, not professional, and run with emotions, not integrity. It is full of cliques and bullies, and she is the LEADER of the pack.
i found the above two posts from a site calle bglad !!
Hi. My name is M. Look at number two. Ms. Terrie harassed me too before the Outage and of COURSE she LIED about infractions being lost. She kept picking on me and though she made this thread, number 2 is bullcrap. I left that CRAZY site. She needs help!
Database Lost Restored Back To Sept.28
NO you are not in the twighlight zone..... Last night our database was lost
we had to restore from a previous backup which was Sept.28 7 days ago.
What does this mean? Everything that has taken place here for the last
7 days never really happened .... Well it did but it's gone
2. If you've received a warning/infraction in the last 7 days, that's gone as well except for in our precious memories.
I have a single thing to say (well, not usually true) but I have to say
I LOVE when people do a little research and see how all those Terms of Service actually HELP US!
Hey, being banned was a good thing for me. After I was done feeling pissed off, I fought back and felt so much stronger for it.
It is hard to undo this stuff because moderators have their own agendas. It is just very sad when their agenda isn't consistent with rationality.
My best
Anonymous said...
I agree with this post. does NOT just ban someone without warning first. I found the administrator at BFD to bring her personal life to her site as well as showing blatant favoritism. All members are NOT treated equally and she seems to care more about quanity of members than quality of members. Some people can say almost anything without warnings or with multiple warnings. others get no warnings at all. What a waste of space and money.
Terrie is a liar.
I had an interaction with her a few months ago that was just CRAZY. She is a VERY paranoid person and thinks that everyone is out to get her. That is why she randomly bans people for no reason.
Her site is like a mudhole with a bunch of children playing in it. She allows her mods to pick and choose who they ban and she enforces a bullying mentality.
It's just gross and I don't know how she can be proud of the disgusting place she has built on the back of
Not a SINGLE idea on that site is original. She stole every idea on that site from and has copied their Terms of Service only changing a few words here and there. She has also copied most of the structure and style of B-F. I think it's funny that she can't think for herself but also very sad that a grown woman acts like a child.
Terrie IS a liar,thief(steals yr money),and bully_child_Gross!!!!!
ohk. now the word BANNED is gone under my name. Someone wrote to me, letting me know that Bully Mistress has lifted these Banishings under our names- and some of us are now returned to Basic Member status- what a JOKE !
Hey, I saw that Violane was no longer Banned. I thought you could log in and post. That is wrong.
hallo!! here's what happened R-
i paid for premium access to bfd.
then i was banned. recently, it was brought to my attention that i was showing on her site as a basic member.
i am not granted access to the site for which i paid [premium], and i do show that i am there- as a basic member, instead of the truth- i'm still banned from the site.
her deceptive tactics!
thank you all for the notes-
Well, it seems that ButchFemmeDance has now had several database crashes (because the site owner does NOT know what she is doing) and has lost several pages of valuable posts from members.
This on top of taking people's membership money without refunding and banning anyone who doesn't agree.
All I can say is that I hope she pays taxes on all of the money they are raking in over there...because Uncle Sam WILL be watching.
Have you noticed the main drama crowd over there? The posts from these folks ((((mainly that gross fugly td))) are full of ignorance and back peddling!
If you do a search for TD about ten pages pop up because she must be (((((as I've heard and believe now)))) a complete Narcissist.
I will not post my name here because TD is one crazy that I do not want contacting me. I hear she writes and writes to Everyone who posts any type of difference in opinion. She Told me in a PM once not to let Violaine know she was on the website over there. How ridiculous? TD you are lifting your leg spraying all over the net.
Grossed Out By Bullies.
i am laughing ! for three years that person has been at it to create drama for me and lots of people! if you really can read between lines, whatever spork spills, is actually the exact opposite. it goes back to spork-insecurities more than anything or anyone else.
I hate Butch Femme Dance.
I would love to know who wrote the Terms of Use over there because they need to go back to 7th grade.
""7. You further more agree to not post any information from other sites, journals, emails, private messages to embarass, or evadethe privacy of others.""
Furthermore is ONE WORD.
Evade means to "run away from". This idiot has it confused with "INVADE".
Someone who doesn't know the difference between these two words REALLY shouldn't be in charge of running a website and especially shouldn't be charging money for her half-brained attempt at community.
I noticed how further more and evade Mistress banned another decent person today. She allows the Drama, I think, because as someone else wrote about that TD (Yes, even I know who that weird & angry one is) and DancerBullyMistress seemingly go Hand in Hand with tons of ignorance.
TheDance is limping along. Does anyone see the other sites she has now? *snort* I know why she banned Violane and FeminineAllure. She forgets to mind her own TOU! Gossip travels at the speed of texting and telephone! All of TheDance people are leaving her site.
hi dallas. post over here, too!
HEY! I think i'll post some of the really mean messages she sent me!
Maybe some of the others might do the same!
OMG!! I just saw Dallas' posts for Belle!!!Who could tkae her,Dallas,Them seriously???!!Dallas, and MistressBully Thank YOU for the laugh!!!
Dallas acts like SHE gave birth to those kids, they're her ex's!!!!!Sick.OH!And I know you Dallas.Watched you alot.You've done the same thing your doin now for years!!!
the reason for this blog is not because i would have any issues with being on a "time out", or a ban of any sort if i deserved it. it makes sense to me if i violate a TOS/TOU, that i cannot visit the site. i've been on b-f since 2002, so i obviously understand playing by the rules, dallas and company.
this space is for justice and other people who have been bullied by the administrator of that site. not revenge, dallas- no. i find it interesting that whenever people who have been treated poorly finally do write or speak out, the bullies fear the light being turned on them most of all.
Terrie has now been exposed as the greedy little person that she truly is.
She has UP FOR SALE FOR $30,000.
If she were TRULY interested in "building community" she would not be trying to SELL the website to the highest bidder after only ONE YEAR online.
Also exposed is the fact that she has been making anywhere from $650 - $1500 a MONTH on the fees that have been coming in from memberships so as far as most are concerned, there is NO REASON that she can't refund people's money when she bans them.
The is a greedy, uneducated, small-minded little person and her website is imploding like everyone knew it would.
lately 24,34 People on her site.135 on Butch-Femme.Com.
Hi. Just checked over there and found some empty profiles. Several more "Leaving the site" Wonder what ever could be catching ;P
DL was not "sitting quietly",BTW.
All's one has to do is sit, watch and wait. The Last Dance at The Dance will happen soon enough. I've never seen a site with such a high concentration of dysfunctional users in my entire life. At least Terrie's Toilet keeps all the turds in one crapper!
Terrie scared me when I looked at her picture. Her glasses are three times bigger than her head. GUY glasses. She looks freaky.Maybe she shares them with her girlfriend ReseQx.
i see the bully is still at it.
There is no way that site is going to change.
Both admins are completely unpredictable, oh wait, they actually are if you cross them or their posse "you're outta here" without warning, without refund. Seems to me they need a lesson in cultivating and building a community.
As for me i'm walking on thin ice, and have been warned.
yes, but the question still remains...
does terrie use shampoo?
She's so REDNECK!The only shampoo she knows is dish soap.
The site has dwindled, there seems hardly any posters, and the bullying continues. Her new sig line clearly antagonizing. After she said let's use this space for what is dear to us. Sheezzz
What brings me to ask, what IS "dear" to Terrie ? Why did she start that site in the first place and is that still her mission ? Maybe these are things she should really be asking herself, because the site seems to have steered far from its original course. Sad. Sadder even for the membership over there.
Oh, and tho I am banned, I peek over there as a "guest" on another IP from another location from time to time. The posting seems to have slowed to nearly nil lately. I hear that many many people are completely fed up with the goings on over there. Just goes to show that B-F, despite past problems, continues to remain the COMMUNITY it is because the reasons it was begun in the first place have always and will always....remain. Long live B-F dot com and the wonderful and FAIR community we have there! It's not Chris and Rhon themselves that made that community. It is the spirit and love that they simply GREW it with that brought people TOGETHER in a community. The COMMUNITY there will keep it together and the #1 site on the net for Butches, Femmes, FTMs, MtFs and our allies all over the world. I'm proud to say I am a member there. Terrie's just got it all wrong. She just doesn't get it and never will.
I just checked the TOILET and read "S" was posting about "NHPB" AGAIN. SteamRolling too. Does "S" get warned or banned? No!! There is proof right there that Terrie bans according to her personal likes and dislikes of certain people. Terrie is a wicked witch with a STANK.
Terrie the Stankerella is really fond of sending snarky private messages to people. She won't post her bitchiness out in the open for people to see.
I'm still waiting for their explanation of why her site was for sale.
Stinky and Dally you know you want to make an appearance.
hi my name is terrie and i'm crazy as shit.
hey this is dallas i just ate one of terrie's turds.
Hi. My name is dety and I eat my own shit.
I broke up with Ressqme again. I admit and I proudly admit that I am a high plains pain in the ass.Good luck keeping up with my rank DIRTY Stank. You will BORE me if you dont hate everyone who isnt a BULLY. I will BAN your cleanASS!
Terrier Terry
And check out my new Signature:
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize
how close they were to success when they gave up"
~Thomas Edison
(I think that is really me talking to my ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-ex-Boyfriend Resqx who should just hang in there even though I am a stank Bully)
Terry and REs are playing jokes on you. They only pretend to Break-Up to see if you wrte about it. Terrie has *giggle& and REs has *hooked suckers* they are sad people with nothing else better to do than play games with peoples lives. I check any messages over there and thats about it.
Terrie and Resqx are both greasy human shit stains and they deserve each other. Nobody else would have them so it's good that they at least don't have to die alone.
Terrie is a power-tripping egomaniac with low self esteem who can't handle confrontation. That is exactly why she is partnered with Resqx. That boy has the personality of an onion.
The best thing to do with those whole soap opera is just go back to BF where the intelligent people hang out and let that cartoonish fantasy world implode as it eventually will.
I looked the other day on BFD and they seriously had a thread called "Words that begin with the letter "D"
I mean, what grown adults sit around and think of words that begin with a certain letter? That sounds about as fascinating as an accounting convention.
Pity on the poor fools.
anonymous, that's insulting to onions.
resqx does not have that many layers.
Oh stop! you're making me cry!
Terrie looks like she would really dig the onion smell emanating from Resqmymessyass.
That onion smell mixed with the piles of cat feces all over his house makes a nice aroma!
Fur, feces, onions, B.O., turds, rankstankerellas and BULLYING.Thats something to "giggle" about now Terrie.
Terrie looks like a bully.
and she smells like one too.
It seems the dety is on her last warning, or be banned for 6 months
05-12-2009, 11:09 AM #669
(((((Banned For 6 Months)))))
Hey Terrie, since the tickets are looked at daily...and you did do a maintenance recently. Have you looked into my ticket/PM's?
*~ Jibarita ~*
If the moderator you were addressing has not replied to your ticket by now it isnt getting a reply. Like i posted several posts above.... Not all feedback and/or tickets about moderation get replied to.
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize
how close they were to success when they gave up"
~Thomas Edison
Sorry TD that is not an option.
Banned For 6 Months
I see...
Hey ya'll. Here's a good'un. MMmm. Lookie at that Dinenr. LOL!!!!!
How could you possibly sully this mess???
Hi. I'm Terrie. I like to Sully my big girl pants.
hello. this is actually Terrie and I haven't a clue as to what "sully" means.
go figure.
Resq isn't any help either.
Terrie To Do List
Turd Talk
Sully Self
Create NEW TOU
Stir Turds
This is TERRIE 666
This is Dallas. I'm reading the Four Agreements all over because I must have missed the messages.I need to get a life, have kids of my OWN, and work on my Bullying ways!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would like to please keep this blog about bullies. thank you. i'm not interested in any writing against him, or trans/ftm, just bullying.
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