Saturday, January 24, 2009

BFD Sinking Ship- Dirt's Dirt

Sinking Ship Itinerary - begin: High Plains. next stops: Spork'nDety & Dallas!


corvus_corvidae said...

the sinking ship kills me. dirt's captions and humour is the best.

Anonymous said...

Butchfemmedance is totally a sinking ship. People are leaving that site in droves because they are starting to figure out that
Terrie is a nutjob who poor people skills.

She is not very evolved and it shows through in all of her interactions. I love the fact that her TOU are full of spelling errors and incorrect word usage.

Anonymous said...
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corvus_corvidae said...

i do not want anyone to get involved with copyright issues, so with your permission, i will just write [instead of the previous entry posting names, entire posts, and links].

seems like a few people are upset over there in the dear thread, about the sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

So the latest is that Terrie and Dallas are both insisting that someone else put Butchfemmedance up for sale and Terrie says they are "having it investigated".

I predict that Terrie is going to come back in a few days and insinuate that she "knows who put her site up for sale" but will NOT provide a name or ip addess because she knows that lying about someone will give them cause to sue her.

Furthermore, if Terrie or Dallas either one knew even a tiny bit of tech info they would know that is a clearinghouse for sale info.
It is NOT the actual sale site. It merely crawls the net and uses trackbacks to make its content.

Anyone with half a brain would know that. Either they are trying to appear stupid or they REALLY ARE this stupid. Either way, good LORD.

corvus_corvidae said...


we'd have fun with a new *special* b-f site. greedy people all went down on the US skunk ship!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to add Dety (Oklahoma,NOLA). This just in from Spork

I've been on real dates (where I actually get to open the door for her) to cyber dates (damn that webcam is handy). I tell each potential partner that I am investing in the relationship as if it were going to work. I put my all in it, because how am I going to find that special one if I don't give it my all?

Is this a mistake? Perhaps to some. (((((HERE)))))>>>>>But I'd rather the woman know what the hell she is getting into before she makes a decision. Why lure her with false information about me (or lack thereof) and then give her the shock of her life later? <<<<<((((GAAAAGGGGGG)))))(Yes I do burp and fart)

After a....lesson in what to not to do (Yes I admit my faults) in a relationship (yes I've had failed ones *gasp*) I tend to lick my wounds for a bit (okay so a small bit) and then try again.

But yes, eventually, one day, I want to have a white picket fence life. Do I expect it? No...but damn it sure would be a helluva nice.

Anonymous said...

There is something wrong with Dety. Some kind of mental and or personality disorders.

Anonymous said...

Why won't she say she's sorry to all of you?

Anonymous said...

Saying she's sorry would mean having to admit she is a fake-ass liar and jealous sycophant.

Resqx might take away his love.

Anonymous said...

both administrators guard their "men" as if they were family silver

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....How many days has it been since Terrie claimed she was going to look into the random person who supposedly put her site up for sale?

She should just come clean and be honest enough to tell people that she put her site up for sale hoping to make a quick buck. She doesn't even have enough backbone to put her finances under the microscope like does as she rakes in PILES of money from the very people that she is mistreating and banning.

Do the right thing, Terrie, and REFUND the money of those people that you have banned.

Or did she use it all on zit cream?

Anonymous said...

TellsAll is Terrie on Belle's Livejournal. Terrie will not refund anyone. She will not tell the truthabout site for sale. She will steal and lie until she can't. Too bad if shes mad people talk now. She deserves a thousand more Zits for everything she's put people through.

Anonymous said...

i heard terrie has a hunchback or maybe that's just a huge boil.

if she loses resqx, she could always prop up a store mannequin on the couch next to her.
that would probably be more interesting.

also one time i saw her kick a puppy and she laughed.

Anonymous said...

resqx might share his star-trek collection with terrie.

or one of his zillion cats that shit all over his house.

Anonymous said...

Alls res qx can say is coffee or donuts. Boring! I bet the only thing keeping them together is the drama they create for other people on ButchFemmeDance.

Anonymous said...

"Stupidity is as contagious as the common cold
among those who would rather die than think for themselves."

HAHAHAHAHA guess who that signature line belongs to?????

Anonymous said...

that site is overrun with stupidity, everyone easily suffers from herpes simplex ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Terrie likes to stir the sinking and stinking Turds!

Anonymous said...

Out in the open having good natured fun with my longtime friend. Behind the curtain Terrie sends me a crazy PM demanding to know what we were up to and giant cap letters WE BETTER NOT EVEN THINK OF STARTING ANY DRAMA OR TRUST ME YOU WILL BE BANNED. WTF????

Anonymous said...

hey. dont know if im putting this wher it should go but
i had to change my screenname because dickheadDETY kept harassing me. guess who hy blames for all of hys breakups? YOU BELLE!
i dont think dallar or terrie talks to ditzyDETY anymore. im sorry DETY one ugly spool of a fool. no im not! teeeheeee

Anonymous said...

how much is that dallas in the window?
woof woof

Anonymous said...

Daaally is MUCH cheaper than a Deeety or Tear-get Terry!

Anonymous said...

a tear-get terrie?
that sounds too fancy for the likes of her.

Anonymous said...

It seems the dety is on her last warning, or be banned for 6 months

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Stick a spork in Dety. She's done.

Anonymous said...

TheDety and all of her "shit" jokes/ copycatting everyone else/vendictiveness!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Dancing Falls IS It is a part of these forums and will slowly be intergrated with it in every way imaginable.
So yes we ARE recruiting and we ARE advertising 's community in SL and any other advertising for any other communities in SL is a "competing resource" and is strictly prohibited.

The Dancing Falls BELONGS to and Belongs to The Dancing Falls they are the same entity.

The dancing falls is already open. All other virtual worlds, communities, websites etc will fall under #26 of the terms of use, considered a competing resource and not to be advertised here at .

Anonymous said...

Hello Terrie,

I am a little confused as to the blatant rule violation going on, on the front page of the site. As per your updated rules and regulations:

26. You agree that any and ALL advertising of other web communities/sites have to be pre approved by an Administrator. You also agree that recruiting and or organizing (announcements etc.) of virtual world communities (secondlife etc.) is strictly prohibited.

However, clear recruiting and organizing is going on, as evidenced by this, posted on the front page. While I understand that this is obviously admin approved. . . Is Expanding
Into Virtual Reality!
We are creating a sister community
in The Virtual World "Second Life".

I just want to establish when and where it is appropriate to "advertise", and who is permitted to do so.

I'm sure your answer will be very informative.

Anonymous said...

This is TERRIE

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